
France - Strasbourg-Koenigshoffen

Le quatier Koenigshoffen est un des quartiers périphériques de la ville de Strasbourg. L’association PAR ENchantement, initiatrice du processus, s'est s’appuyée sur la démarche SPIRAL proposée par le Conseil de l’Europe dans le cadre de sa stratégie pour la cohésion sociale. Le but est construire ensemble une société capable d'assurer le bien-être de tous, sans exclusion et sans mettre en danger les futures générations. Une telle construction passe par l'implication de tous, dans une démarche de coresponsabilité intégrant les initiatives existantes et d'autres à venir dans une vision partagée du bien-être de tous. A Koenigshoffen, depuis le mois de février 2012, plusieurs partenaires ont constitué un groupe de coordination pour conduire ce projet. Une 1ère étape a été de définir le bien-être de tous sur la base des critères que les habitants expriment eux même. Cela permet de prendre en considération le point de vue des habitants du quartier. La méthode de travail s’est déroulé autour de 15 groupes homogènes rassemblés autour de caractéristiques communes (voir ci-dessous). La 2e étape sera donc de construire avec les habitants des projets visant à l’amélioration de leurs conditions de vie

Greece - Kavala

The city of Kavala is located in the North of Greece, in the region of East Macedonia & Thrace. Kavala is a seaside city with 85 000 inhabtiatns, not far from the Bulgarian border and from Turkey. The Municipality of Kavala is the 2nd biggest commercial port in the North. Besides being considered one of the major fishery centres in Greece, Kavala has a leading role in the local economy, as well as in the industrial economy sector.

By participating in the TOGETHER project, the Municipality focuses on establishing a network of its social services along with some of the more active local NGOs. The main challenges are:

  • families in need, suffering from poverty, domestic violence, drug addicts and single mothers
  • the problem of an ageing population and of increasing the birth rate
  • inclusion and support of the family institutions

France - Paris 14ème

En 2007-2008 sous l’impulsion de l’association locale « Le Moulin à Café » qui a joué le rôle de groupe de coordination local en partenariat avec la Mairie du 14ème, et avec l’appui du Conseil de l’Europe et de l’Inter-réseau des initiatives Ethiques et Solidaires IRIS, la démarche SPIRAL a été appliquée dans la première phase de collecte des critères de bien-être et mal-être avec les habitants des quartiers de cet arrondissement de Paris. Contre toute attente c’est la dimension équilibres personnels qui domine nettement les autres dimensions du bien-être. Le processus n’a cependant pas eu de suite, n’ayant pas eu le soutien politique nécessaire.

Viana do Castelo 1 - Meadela

Auteur : Wislen Névoa - Publié le : 2014-10-21 14:57 - (998 Lectures)

Meadela - Viana do Castelo The parish of Meadela in which this project develops, is situated in the urban expansion zone of the city Viana do Castelo (district capital), with an occupation area of 7,5 km of the 29,7 km total. This parish has a total of 9.782 inhabitants and it’s a heterogeneous population, as consequence of the rupture with the rural way of living, presenting transition features from rural to urban spaces. It is recognized as one of the parish that has a bigger group of children and young from 0 to 24 years of age (2685 individuals - 27% of its total) compared to other parish, which gives a special attention to all social institutions that work in that territory. The rich cultural heritage and associative dynamism is considered one of the most recognizable features. This parish has a modern set of social and educational facilities, which provide good support to all those who have recourse to them, as social cohesion too. With a modern industrial park functioning in its limits, Meadela is close to major road structures, with easy access to major cities like Oporto. Nowadays Meadela integrates a parish association (along with other two), but maintaining its historic and social identity.

Turkey - Malkara

Malkara is a town of 28000 people. The Citizens’ Assembly was established in 2009 with a General Assembly composed of 76 people. 8 actions are planned to be carried out in the framework of Responding Together project.

Turkey - Tekirdag

Tekirdağ is a coastal city; it is the capital of Thrace with about 150,000 inhabitants. Its co-ordination group is the Citizens' Assembly, created in 2009 in accordance with the Turkish law. It started its participation in the Responding Together project in March 2013.

Turkey - Muratli

Muratlı is a Town in East Thrace of 20,000 inhabitants. It is without a citizens' assembly but has a coordination group constituted ad hoc to participate in Responding Together project. Six ideas for actions are being debated to be carried out.

Turkey - Pehlivansköy

Pehlivanköy is a village of 2100 people. A Coordination Group of 20 people has been created in the framework of Responding Together project, and four actions have been planned and realized.