
France - Gironde CG33

Le groupe de travail sur SPIRAL & Agenda 21

La formation SPIRAL a eu lieu le 23 et 24 Septembre 2013 en Gironde. Organisée par le Conseil Général du département, elle a rassemblé plus de 70 acteurs du territoire dans le but de réfléchir ensemble sur les complémentarités de SPIRAL avec les agendas 21, et les questions qui découlent de la coresponsabilité pour le bien-être de tous. La formation s’est déroulée sous format d’une expérimentation de la démarche SPIRAL à l’échelle d’un village.

France - SOL Plaine Commune

Groupe de coordination créé dans le cadre d'un projet de monnaie SOL, initialisé par la question du bien vivre ensemble, avec la méthode SPIRAL. Le projet initié par Plaine Commune est expérimenté à Aubervilliers avec l'appui technique du Mouvement SOL.

Blogs and citizen journalism

Auteur : Louise Hain - Publié le : 2013-09-13 10:22 -

Blogs are a powerful tool for any citizen to share insights, knowledge and ideas; spread the word on local news and actions and interact with other citizens from all parts of the Globe. The growth of Citizen Journalism is a collateral effect of blogging: a way for citizens to report on what they experience using the Internet.

Association of Afghans United in Greece

Auteur : Mariani Papanikolaou - Publié le : 2013-09-07 19:37 -
Photo from the hunger strike of Afghan people, in ,

A unique, independent Association of Afghan people living in Greece with members of different ethnic groups of Afghanistan, having two main purposes: 1. To support the Afghani population of Greece in their integration into Greek and European society, along with the peaceful cohabitation of the different ethnic groups. 2. To act against the growing racist violence towards migrants and refugees currently living in Greece.


Expires At: 2023-09-07 18:42 -
logo from the site

An organization that aims to change the way disability is treated and to give people with disabilities the opportunity to know and communicate with accessible way regardless of the disability that they have.


Auteur : Mariani Papanikolaou - Publié le : 2013-09-07 18:20 -

A non-profit organisation with the aim to research, create and implement a social structure in a self-sufficient eco-community in Greece, which may be easily replicated anywhere in the country, and worldwide, and which will operate as a school of self-sufficiency and sustainability for all. The social structure is based on the inalienability of human rights; it is characterised by an economy that manages strategic technology and resources based on practical knowledge, and real data are driven by an ideology of selflessness (not exchange) and persevere for residential development and finding solutions.


Auteur : Mariani Papanikolaou - Publié le : 2013-09-07 16:50 -
Photo from the entrance of the Community Clinic

A community clinic providing free medical assistance to vulnerable civilians without social security or with very little income.

Solidarity for all

Auteur : Mariani Papanikolaou - Publié le : 2013-09-07 16:40 -
from the site

"Solidarity for all" is an open collective to anyone and everyone who is inspired by the triptych: Solidarity - resistance - self-organisation. It seeks neither to express nor represent the alternative world, its structures and charities, but to be a nationwide hub which facilitates their converging.

Colour Youth- Community of LGBT young people of Athens

Auteur : Mariani Papanikolaou - Publié le : 2013-09-07 15:59 -
Photo courtesy from the site

Colour Youth is a colourful group of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and straight people who are struggling for a better reality for young people in Greece. This reality should be without discrimination that is based on sexual orientation or identity and gender expression


Auteur : Mariani Papanikolaou - Publié le : 2013-09-07 15:51 -
Poster from an event about menatl health organized by the Observatory

The Observatory for Rights in the Field of Mental Health is an organization that has worked since 2006 to safeguard the rights of individuals involved in the mental health service system and to promote alternative, non-psychiatric responses to mental distress.


Auteur : Mariani Papanikolaou - Publié le : 2013-09-07 15:30 -

An initiative that aims to link the theoretical principles of Radical Social Work to practice in the population of Patras, specifically in the time frame of the economic crisis.


Auteur : alessandra sciurba - Publié le : 2013-08-30 08:47 -

Activities of Design / Recycling, with workshops and training courses aimed to act against waste and to develop income in the sector

Genuino Clandestino

Auteur : alessandra sciurba - Publié le : 2013-08-30 08:34 -

Genuine Clandestino is a national campaign promoting the free processing of farm products considered "illegal" by Italian law, the “km zero” production and the ethically sustainable and direct sale of items.

Jogos de Rua (“Street Games”)

Auteur : Claudia Coimbra - Publié le : 2013-08-27 13:38 -

The Street Games project ("Jogos de Rua"), developed in Lisbon's Prodac neighbourhood, highlights the importance of urban space, large or small, as a source of unity among diverse cultures, social classes and generations.

Projecto Fruta Feia

Auteur : Claudia Coimbra - Publié le : 2013-08-26 14:11 -

Projecto Fruta Feia ("Ugly Fruit") aims to minimise the social and environmental impact of food waste. The idea is to channel all rejected fruit and vegetable products to consumers that do not judge the quality of the product solely on appearances.

Projecto A Linha

Auteur : Claudia Coimbra - Publié le : 2013-08-26 13:42 -

To revitalise and energise Alfama and its communities, the A Linha project aims to develop levels of understanding and interaction as well as to create gardens and cultivation, organising shows and cultural activities that promote gastronomy, commerce, sport and leisure.

Cozinha Popular da Mouraria

Auteur : Claudia Coimbra - Publié le : 2013-08-26 10:36 -

Cozinha Popular ("People's Kitchen") da Mouraria is a social project designed to revitalise the multicultural community of Mouraria in Lisbon, promoting the sharing of experiences, building community and providing employment and access to food for those in need.