Territory - city
''Karsun-Карсун is a town settlement in Ulyanovsk Region, in 100 km from Ulyanovsk. The population is 7,500 inhabitances (2010). Karsun is an administrative center of the Karsun District. Karsun was founded in the 17th century, first as a settlement of Kasan Khanate, situated on one of the main rods, then a fortess aimed to protect the territories of Rusia against the influx of the enemies. Since the 18th century the town is gaining importance i the field of trade (flour and horses) and horse-breeding.
Coordination group
The coordination group of Karsun, created in 2012 consits of the local authorities,NGOs, social workers, representatives of educational establishments, workers of culture, active citizens, among whom the youth and the elderly people are very active. The latter factor has contributed a lot to the Action Plan, distinguishing it from the the Action Plans by the other CG: The elderly citizens are engaged into the life of the town.
''The highigts of the pilot action plan, created on the bases of the data of HG are improving the quality of the life of the elderly citizens, overcoming generation gap, involving the youth into the social life of a town, overcoming exclusion of the elderly people and lack of posibilities for creating social contacts among the young people, creating common history, developing the feeling of belonging to the local history among the younger generation, increasing the role of the citizens of the 3rd and the 4th age in the society and their value in the eyes of the younger generation.
Pilot Actions
Social History Project
The project is conducted in cooperation with local educational establishments, museums, the Council of Veterans etc. The idea of the project is to collect information and to create books about three topics: recollections of the citizens from the municipal ditricts, participating in the Second World War, recollections of the citizens from the municipal district, who suffered the war as children and collecting information about the military hospitals, situated at the territory of the municipal district. The youth from ALL educatonal establishments of the municipal district participates in this project, interviewing the citizen and collecting the information;
Overcoming the exclusion of the elderly citizens and generation gap
Different events for the elderly citizens are organized. The meetings of the elderly citizens, especially of veterans, with youth are conducted, where they tell the youth about their experiences. An important role in the life of the settlements in the municipal district plays the so-called "DAY of the STREET" - the citizens living in the same treet meet together, celebrate, share their recallection about the street and the town. It is important that even the citizens with mobilty problems living in the neighbourhood could participate in these events.
Getting Together for the Youth
One of the local problems i that the young places have very view places where they could make ew social contacts. That is why the meetings for the youth are organized."
Participation in the network
The CG of Karsun participates actively in all the seminars and actions aimed on experience exchange, conducted at the Territory of Coresponsibility Ulyanovsk Regio. In June 2013 they have made a presentation about their activities at a meeting in Ulyanovsk where the representatives of the CG from all the municipal districts of Ulyanovsk Region, Regional Authorities, representatives of the Ministry of Social Protection and of Council of Euriope.