Picture by Martin Pettitt


Time banking is a means of exchange in a community, where time, not money, is the principal currency. For every hour participants ‘deposit’ in a time bank, perhaps by giving practical help and support to others, they are able to ‘withdraw’ equivalent support in time when they themselves are in need. In each case the participant decides what they can offer. Everyone’s time is equal, so one hour of my time is equal to one hour of your time, irrespective of whatever we choose to exchange.


Rushey Green Time Bank

Auteur : Lorna Muddiman - Publié le : 2013-05-21 08:15 -
Picture courtesy of Rushey Green Time Bank

Time Banking is a community development tool and works by facilitating the exchange of skills and experience within a community. The Rushey Green Time Bank's vision is to achieve a cohesive community in the Rushey Green area, where neighbours know neighbours and can rely on each other for help and support. Where people of different ages, cultures, backgrounds and abilities interact with each other on an equal footing and with mutual respect and understanding.


Auteur : Anne-Iris Romens - Publié le : 2013-05-07 08:02 -

An Accorderie aims to develop a network of exchange of services that is accessible to anyone wanting to improve their living conditions - in particular their socioeconomic level – while fighting against poverty and social exclusion.

Time Bank of Athens

Auteur : Lorna Muddiman - Publié le : 2013-04-18 13:02 -

The Athens Time Bank was created in May 2011, at Sydagma Square, when thousands of people gathered there to participate in mass strikes and demonstrations.

How to set up a Timebank

Auteur : TOOLosophy - Publié le : 2013-02-28 15:07 -

Time banking is a p2p currency system where individual members exchange services on a voluntary basis with one another. Time banking values everyone’s time as equal. For every hour spent helping someone in your community, the contributor is entitled to an hour of help in return. The currency units are not money but hours of time spent by people on any type of labour (called a time dollar in the USA or a time credit in the UK).

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