
Pehlivanköy is a village of 2100 people. The kinds of activities held in Pehlivanköy include village fêtes, with 1500 people attending, and picnics for everyone provided by the municipality

Coordination group and process

2 people attended the Silivri SPIRAL methodology training in October 2012 and 4 people to the Responding Together Project Training in February 2013. The four participants at the Responding Together Project Training established a Coordination Group of 20 people by trying to identify people that could represent all segments of the community. A meeting was held two weeks ago and the meeting on April 8th was their second. The Mayor attended our meeting; a small team of 4 individuals had already prepared suggestions for activities in the joint project (JP):

Participation in Responding Together project (1st cycle)

Seven demonstrative actions are proposed to be carried out; 1. Collection of unused stationery to make a stand and provide writing materials for disadvantaged members of their village. Collecting things for those experiencing poverty and encouraging communication and dialogue with them to express their ideas and participate also in the process. 2. There are many empty houses in East Thrace as a result of high emigration and high levels of unemployment. The Coordination Group intends to identify the owners of these buildings to propose alternative uses. 3. All the problems in East Thrace are very similar. There is a proposal to train handicraft skills to prepare small locally produced handicraft items for sale outside cinemas and in town markets. There is a tradition of pasta cutting in East Thrace too, and this could also be a possible training item. 4. In Thrace people love dancing and there are lots of musicians. Proposals to create musical and dance troupes among the underemployed to provide lower cost entertainment to those that are of low income, at schools and to encourage music lovers. 5. Children’s park to be established to keep young people away from dangerous roads and areas… but this requires funding. The principle of achieving greater social integration through shared spaces. 6. Traditional foods such as egg-based desserts, exist in Pehlivanköy and this could be another option for training and branding the town for greater recognition and fame. Proposals to patent such recipes. 7. There are many street dogs in the area and this is also an issue to be resolved that, in the process, could build community spirit through shared awareness and shared caring… also, through collection and community distribution of waste foods.