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Urban Gardens in Rome 2 - The Eut-Orto Project

Auteur : alessandra sciurba - Publié le : 2013-04-03 07:42 -

In September 2010, some workers of the corporation Eutelia Information Technology in Rome, after having been made ​​redundant as a result of the crisis that hit the company, decided to create an urban garden community cultivating 3000 square meters of land owned by the Province of Rome, for consuming and selling agricultural products, thus continuing to work together and maintaining the visibility of their dispute for the workplace.

Urban gardens in Rome 1 - Common urban gardens in Garbatella

Auteur : alessandra sciurba - Publié le : 2013-04-03 07:08 -

In the last year in the city of Rome, different experiences of urban gardens have arisen as a form of opposition to unemployment and increasing poverty but also to overbuilding, cementation, and privatization of public territory. Here below are two of the main initiatives.

Some associations and social centers of the district of Garbatella in Rome, with the participation of many citizens, decided to occupy an abandoned area in order to create a common garden.

Repair Café Brussels

Auteur : Louise Hain - Publié le : 2013-03-14 18:02 -

Repairing all together and learning from others in a cocoon atmosphere. Once a month in Brussels, people can give a new life to broken items and learn how to repair them with enthusiastic skilled volunteers. Tools and Equipment are available for reparation as well as cakes and coffee.

entre-ajuda para poder beneficiar gota-a-gota

Auteur : Ana Paula (animadora CRP Santo Antão) - Publié le : 2013-03-08 15:35 -

Cabo Verde: Casa do Meio (Porto Novo – Santo Antão) Houve um beneficiário que não conseguia instalar gota a gota porque o terreno não estava desbravado. Então a Comunidade ajudou-o a fazer esse trabalho, o que permitiu a instalação de tal equipamento.

ADEVICO's workshops for responsible consumption

Auteur : Joël Obrecht - Publié le : 2013-03-08 00:10 -

How to be environmentally responsible and to save money in your consumer habits. Since 2008 ADEVICO, a French NGO, is providing an answer to this question by conducting workshops in which participants learn to make their own cheap and environmentally-friendly products.

How to set up a Timebank

Auteur : TOOLosophy - Publié le : 2013-02-28 15:07 -

Time banking is a p2p currency system where individual members exchange services on a voluntary basis with one another. Time banking values everyone’s time as equal. For every hour spent helping someone in your community, the contributor is entitled to an hour of help in return. The currency units are not money but hours of time spent by people on any type of labour (called a time dollar in the USA or a time credit in the UK).

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