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There are several brochures to print :
Spiral 21nov TC VF Planche HD Synthetic document presenting SPIRAL and the network Together France
More documents here : File Galleries
Train in SPIRAL method
This slide provides a clear and comprehensive tool for introducing SPIRAL from an uninformed public in the process.
Animate meetings
Several Dynamisor files and docs are available for SPIRAL dynamisors and facilitators.
The determination key summarizes the 9 elements and the 68 dimensions of well-being of all expressed by the citizens. You will find an exhaustive list of these and the grid incorporating them, necessary for the implementation of the SPIRAL method.
((Codification (English, En)|SPIRAL allocation and codification)) in summary and the whole code list can be found here.
A guide-book is under construction, see here :
Guide Formation Spiral Web
The wikitool
First, there is a menu that gives you access to the main functionalities of the website, manage your account, and even more: click here to open the research module and the wiki tools.
These tutorials allow to capture and understand the functioning of Wikispiral website to make it a powerful tool, a co-responsibility territories support.
Finally, to understand the styles used on and get involved on editing wiki esthetic pages , go here : Reference page styles and tools
The main SPIRAL tools can be found each plat-form's dashboard. Once connected to your e-platform, you can:
- Add facilitators
- Enter your criteria and homogenous groups
- Print your syntheses and statistics
- Enter your actions and their evaluations
To view your plat-form' s dashboard page, go to the adequate plat-forms page (chosse between Territories of coresponsibility, collective actors, training groups, or groups of citizens). For each platform that you manage, you will see a small tool icon: . By clicking on this tool, you open the platform's dashboard. Your main platform is also accessible directly from the dropdown menu