Nom du groupe | Nombre d'hommes | Nombre de femmes | Minimum age | Maximum age | Groupe d'âge | H. Group type | Langue | Caractéristiques sociales | Caractéristiques professionelles | Créé le |
FIGUEIRAL DE PAUL : Homens maiores de 45 anos | | 0 | 45 | | _40-60 | 16.5.0. Citizens from the same district/settlement | | | | 2012-07-05 16:04 |
FIGUEIRAL DE PAUL : Homens de 30 á 45 anos | | 0 | | | _25-40 | 16.5.0. Citizens from the same district/settlement | | | | 2012-07-05 16:04 |
FIGUEIRAL DE PAUL : Homens menores de 30 anos | | 0 | | | _18-25 young people | 16.5.0. Citizens from the same district/settlement | | | | 2012-07-05 16:04 |
FIGUEIRAL : Mulheres maduras | | 0 | | | _40-60 | 16.5.0. Citizens from the same district/settlement | | | | 2012-07-05 16:04 |
FIGUEIRAL : Mulheres jovens | 0 | | | | _18-25 young people | 16.5.0. Citizens from the same district/settlement | | | | 2012-07-05 16:04 |
FIGUEIRAL : Muheres mais maduras | | | | | _40-60 | 16.5.0. Citizens from the same district/settlement | | | | 2012-07-05 16:04 |
FIGUEIRAL : Homens mais maduros | | | | | _40-60 | 16.5.0. Citizens from the same district/settlement | | | | 2012-07-05 16:04 |
FIGUEIRAL : Homens mais jovens | | 0 | | | _18-25 young people | 16.5.0. Citizens from the same district/settlement | | | | 2012-07-05 16:04 |
FIGUEIRAL : Homenes mais jovens | | 0 | | | _18-25 young people | 16.5.0. Citizens from the same district/settlement | | | | 2012-07-05 16:04 |
Figueira Muita : Nome do groupo | | | | | Adults | 16.5.0. Citizens from the same district/settlement | | | | 2012-07-05 16:04 |
FEIJOAL : Grupo de mulher | 0 | | | | Adults | 16.5.0. Citizens from the same district/settlement | | | | 2012-07-05 16:04 |
FEIJOAL : Grupo de jovem | | | | | _18-25 young people | 16.5.0. Citizens from the same district/settlement | | | | 2012-07-05 16:04 |
FEIJOAL : Grupo de homem | | | | | Adults | 16.5.0. Citizens from the same district/settlement | | | | 2012-07-05 16:04 |
Fazenda : Nome do grupo 2 | | | | | Adults | 16.5.0. Citizens from the same district/settlement | | | | 2012-07-05 16:04 |
FAJÃ DOMINGAS BENTA : Mulheres | 0 | | | | Adults | 16.5.0. Citizens from the same district/settlement | | | | 2012-07-05 16:04 |
FAJÃ DOMINGAS BENTA : Homens mais maduros | | 0 | | | _60-80 Third age | 16.5.0. Citizens from the same district/settlement | | | | 2012-07-05 16:04 |
FAJÃ DOMINGAS BENTA : Homens jovens | | 0 | | | _18-25 young people | 16.5.0. Citizens from the same district/settlement | | | | 2012-07-05 16:04 |
FAJÃ DOMINGAS BENTA : Homens de meia idade | | 0 | | | _40-60 | 16.5.0. Citizens from the same district/settlement | | | | 2012-07-05 16:04 |
FAJA DE JANELA : Senhoras mais de 60 anos | | | 60 | | _60-80 Third age | 16.5.0. Citizens from the same district/settlement | | | | 2012-07-05 16:04 |
FAJA DE JANELA : Muheres de 17 á 45 anos | | | | | Adults | 16.5.0. Citizens from the same district/settlement | | | | 2012-07-05 16:04 |
FAJA DE JANELA : Homens menores de 22 | | 0 | | 22 | _18-25 young people | 16.5.0. Citizens from the same district/settlement | | | | 2012-07-05 16:04 |
FAJA DE JANELA : Homens mais de 45 anos | | | | | _40-60 | 16.5.0. Citizens from the same district/settlement | | | | 2012-07-05 16:04 |
FAJA DE JANELA : Homens mais de 25 menores de 45 anos | | | | | _25-40 | 16.5.0. Citizens from the same district/settlement | | | | 2012-07-05 16:04 |
FAJÃ D´ÁGUA : Mulheres maduras | | | | | _40-60 | 16.5.0. Citizens from the same district/settlement | | | | 2012-07-05 16:04 |
FAJÃ D´ÁGUA : Homens maduros | | | | | _40-60 | 16.5.0. Citizens from the same district/settlement | | | | 2012-07-05 16:04 |
ESTÂNCIA DE BRAS : Estância de bras | | | | | Adults | 16.5.0. Citizens from the same district/settlement | | | | 2012-07-05 16:04 |
Escada : Mulheres | | | | | Adults | 16.5.0. Citizens from the same district/settlement | | | | 2012-07-05 16:04 |
Escada : Homens | | | | | Adults | 16.5.0. Citizens from the same district/settlement | | | | 2012-07-05 16:04 |
Durbuy : Plan habitat permanent | | | | | Adults | 16.5.0. Citizens from the same district/settlement | | | | 2012-07-05 16:04 |
Durbuy : Lire et ecrire | | | | | Adults | 18.2.2. Association working with young mothers with young children | | | | 2012-07-05 16:04 |
Durbuy : Les enfants | | | | | Children | 16.5.0. Citizens from the same district/settlement | | | | 2012-07-05 16:04 |
Durbuy : Employée administration publique | | | | | Adults | 13.3.0. Public servants | | | | 2012-07-05 16:04 |
Debica : Youth | | | | | Adults | 22.1.0. Youth organized in different forms | | | | 2012-07-05 16:04 |
Debica : Women, students at the european new technologies school in debica | | | | | _18-25 young people | 2.1.0. Students (University) | | | | 2012-07-05 16:04 |
Debica : The youth, that attends the scouts in debica | | | | | _12-18 teenagers | 22.1.0. Youth organized in different forms | | | | 2012-07-05 16:04 |
Debica : The youth that attends day house for the youth in debica | | | | | _12-18 teenagers | 22.2.0. Youth at day center | | | | 2012-07-05 16:04 |
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