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Learning to Do It Yourself

Auteur : Anne-Iris Romens - Publié le : 2013-05-22 13:00 -

Workshops are being develop in order to learn how to build yourself mechanisms to create renewable energy

Energy Robin Hoods

Auteur : Anne-Iris Romens - Publié le : 2013-05-22 10:17 -

Energy Robin Hoods are activists from associations, trade unions and citizens who practice civil disobedience. Their interventions are designed to maintain the gas or electricity, avoiding cuts, and in some cases to reassure the provision of these energies.


Auteur : Lorna Muddiman - Publié le : 2013-05-22 07:44 -

NOPPES, based in Amsterdam, is a 20 years old LETS (Local Exchange and Trading System). NOPPES's goal is to contribute to a more prosperous (social and economic) life of its members, who exchange talents, services and goods for ‘noppes’, a symbolic currency (noppes means ‘nothing’, no money).

SCUP (sport e cultura popolare)

Auteur : alessandra sciurba - Publié le : 2013-05-21 11:10 -

A centre of sporting and cultural services and a solidarity economy, created in an abandoned public space to be later occupied by the people involved in the project.

Occupy Movements

Auteur : Anne-Iris Romens - Publié le : 2013-05-21 08:35 -

Citizens' protest movements against social and economic inequalities; demanding as well a "re-democratisation" of democracy.

Rushey Green Time Bank

Auteur : Lorna Muddiman - Publié le : 2013-05-21 08:15 -
Picture courtesy of Rushey Green Time Bank

Time Banking is a community development tool and works by facilitating the exchange of skills and experience within a community. The Rushey Green Time Bank's vision is to achieve a cohesive community in the Rushey Green area, where neighbours know neighbours and can rely on each other for help and support. Where people of different ages, cultures, backgrounds and abilities interact with each other on an equal footing and with mutual respect and understanding.

Campaign work

Auteur : Anne-Iris Romens - Publié le : 2013-05-17 13:46 -

Groups from civil society are campaigning and raising awareness on different issues so that people experiencing poverty are not discriminated and excluded from public spaces.

Homelessness & the Arts

Auteur : Lorna Muddiman - Publié le : 2013-05-17 13:30 -

An awareness-raising campaign that is trying to change the stereotypes surrounding homeless people in the UK through a combination of artwork, literature, film and media, and corporate presentations.

Awareness campaigns

Auteur : Lorna Muddiman - Publié le : 2013-05-17 13:25 -

Awareness is the state or ability to perceive, to feel, or to be conscious of events, objects and other goings-on that might be affecting you, either directly or indirectly.

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