
The Territory of Co-responsibility is a territory in which a local multi-actors platform is created, defined as a "coordination group" with a desire to develop new forms of co-responsibility through concrete actions. These players are then invited to collect and publish the co-responsibility pilot actions performed.

The actions of coresponsability database includes most of them and their specific data: territory, theme, descriptions and assessments of actions, etc.

Accéder à la base de données des actions pilotes

C.R.E.A. Solidarity fighting waste

Auteur : alessandra sciurba - Publié le : 2013-04-16 08:42 -

The project C.R.E.A. (Surplus Food Recovery Centre) aims to collect surplus food (i.e. goods that cannot be sold but that are still consumable), both fresh and packaged, from the small, medium and large retailers, for their redistribution to people living in conditions of poverty and social exclusion. The main actors involved in its organisation are people who live in the Community of St. Benedetto al Porto, who through this work implement their emancipation and autonomy. The project is partly implemented and partly remains to be implemented.

Accès à la base de données des actions pilotes

Éléments trouvés : 83
IntituléLocalitéRégionPaysThèmeCréé le
Contrat social multipartiteMulhouseAlsaceFranceAccompagnement social2012-08-16 22:33
Le projet IGLOO MulhouseAlsaceFranceAccompagnement social2012-08-16 22:33
centre hospitalier de RouffachRouffachFranceContrat social multipartite2012-08-16 22:33
Contrat social multipartiteStrasbourgAlsaceFranceContrat social multipartite2012-08-16 22:33
Parcours d'insertionBraine-l'AlleudWallonieBelgiqueRéinsertion socioprofessionnelle2012-08-16 22:33
Régie de Quartier Saint-Zèle et de la BarrièreBraine-l'AlleudWallonieBelgiqueRéinsertion socioprofessionnelle2012-08-16 22:33
centre d'intégration sociale DebicaPologneintegration, insertion2012-08-16 22:33
renforcer les liens entre les institutions scientifiques et scolairesSalaspilsLettonie2012-08-16 22:33
formations pour les chefs de ménagesCovilha Portugal2012-08-16 22:33
organisation de journée de la famille et du festival de la citéSalaspilsLettonie2012-08-16 22:33
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Ulyanovsk RegionRussian Federation2013-11-21 10:59
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Funcionamento ACD Ponta FurnaCape VerdeACD: Organização conhecimentos e comunicação2016-10-07 04:40
Le Contrat social multipartite2017-11-09 14:49
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